ILR Show Division Fleece Committee Minutes - February 16, 2009
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ILR Show Division

February 16, 2009

Committee Members –    Val Carmichael
                                           Lynda Carothers
                                           Betty Moe
                                           Mary Jo Miller
                                           Fran Soukup - Chair
                                           Pamela Tait - Secretary

Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm EST. All committee members present.


Minutes from Jan 26th meeting – Motion to approve by Betty; Mary Jo seconded motion. Motion passed unanimously.


Lynda had put together a proposed budget for the Fiber Committee, which Fran has forwarded to the Finance Committee chair. Income and expenses were estimated, based on what we could initially think our division would need.Val made a motion to accept the budget as submitted; Mary Jo seconded motion. Motion passed unanimously.



* Rules and scorecards have been submitted to the Governing Board and Rules Committees for approval. 

* Fran brought up the question of crossbreds showing in the ILR SD in fleece. Mary Jo read off the current rule on crossbreds for halter (requiring “LL” registration) versus the rules for performance, fiber, showmanship, youth (needing only a recording number). Committee decided that we would like the fleece entries to have the same “LL” requirement as halter so that llamas are competing against llamas.

* Fran gave her report back on the Coat-On scorecard; that scorecard has been submitted to the Governing Board and Rules Committees for approval.

* A draft of the Fleece Management Guide was submitted to each committee member on Feb 14th for their review. The management guide was put together by Judy Ross, and acknowledgement goes out to Judy for her work on this. It was suggested that a great source of volunteers for fleece shows could be found in local guilds and/or fiber groups. Approval was given to Fran to continue with the management guide.


* The term “Fleece Products” was suggested as the official name for the yarn and finished goods classes.  Betty made a motion to approve “Fleece Products”; Val seconded the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.

* It was suggested that the term “General Appearance” on the Fleece Products scorecards was too subjective and general of a term.  The committee needs to come up with a better term and definition, relative to the class being judged.

*The committee went over some of the rules for the Fleece Products classes.  It was agreed that the minimum size of the yarn skeins should be 2 ounces; all submissions shall be made by the exhibitor.

*Lynda will continue working on Rules for Fleece Products with help from Fran.  Entry tags will be needed for the Fleece Products classes. 


* Pam reported to the committee with the 6 questions/answers she came up with so far.  More Q&A are needed.  Fran suggested going back to the management guide and definitions, and Pam will report back with some additional Q&A to submit.


* Mary Jo reported back that the awards and lifetime achievements for the fiber division should be similar to those in the halter and performance divisions.  As we have not heard what those divisions are doing, we will try to come up with something to present to the governing board.

* The committee discussed that we should have an awards system for the exhibitors in the Fleece Products classes.


Tabled until next meeting.


Mary Jo put together an article for submission in the March fiber issue of Camelid Quarterly, along with help from Fran.  Thank you to Mary Jo and Fran for their work on this article.


It was suggested that we look at the possibility of making it easier for exhibitors to show their fleeces at multiple fleece shows by giving the exhibitors the option to have their submitted fleeces forwarded between fleece shows.  There are several logistical concerns, one being shipping of the fleeces.  Permission would be needed by the fleece show from the exhibitor to do this, and shows would need to agree to do this.  Pam will continue working on this idea and report back to the committee.

Next conference call meeting will be Monday, March 16th, 2009, at 7 pm EST.

Pam made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Val seconded motion. Motion passed unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 EST.

Minutes submitted by Pamela Tait, ILR Fiber Committee secretary.