ILR Show Division Fleece Committee Minutes - April 12, 2011
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ILR Show Division


April 12, 2011

Conference Call Meeting – April 12, 2011 8:00pm EST

Committee Members Present:         

Pamela Tait – Chair
Rawna Hamann - Secretary
Mary Jo Miller (Board rep)
Betty Moe
Fran Soukup
Judy Ross


Meeting was called to order at 8:10 pm EST. All 6 committee members were present.


Minutes from January 10, 2011 meeting – approved by email and sent to office for posting. 


Goals for 2011: Education and the International Show


        Magazine Submissions: 2 months prior to the event.

        Articles – submitted anytime; may be held until planned ‘special’ issue

        Current Periodicals specific to Camelids:

        Llama Quarterly

        Llama Life

        Llama Banner

        Many related via fiber and uses of natural fibers (Spin-Off, Piece Work, Knitting, Crocheting, etc.)

        Newsletters: get permission to reprint articles; Newsletters list for sharing articles. Judy will send list to Pam. Rawna will check with local Newsletter Editor for list (same as Judy’s).

        Suggested article topics: Uses of fleece (A-Z), Herd appraisals of fiber, pictures, results and short summary articles from shows and/or events (info days, shearing days, etc.). Pam will work on a weaving with llama article. Rawna will write recap articles for NW info Day, Jingle Bells Show and NW Clinic.

        Articles should be checked by committee before submission.

        Short discussion regarding pathway of Judges in the Judging program. Good opportunity to submit outcomes in newsletters, articles about judging clinics to encourage others to take clinics.

2011 Fleece Clinics

        Barb Baker’s in Ohio April 29 through May 1 Clinic: at the time of the meeting, there were 6 people signed up. It was suggested to post a FaceBook Invitation; Mary Jo will check with Jan and Dar and see if it can be posted. Add it to the ILR Calendar of Events. Mary Jo will mail the clinic agenda to committee for review. Mary Jo and Judy are instructing.

        Niki Kuklenski’s in Washington on July 7, 8, 9 & 10, [fleece on July 7-8 and halter, performance, etc. on July 9-10]. Mary Jo in instructing, with Rawna and Maryan Baker assisting. No numbers known at this time

        Guidelines: Discussion regarding omissions and corrections. They have been approved by Governing Board, but are not in hard copy at this time. It was suggested that each committee should proof their section of the Guidelines and their appendixes first before submission to the Governing Board for approval before Master Notebook is in final copy.

        ILR Website: Needs to be reviewed and revised if needed. Pam will review Brochure and Pamphlets on Fiber. Rawna will send out changes to committee via email for review.

International Gathering Show Discussion of needs for Fran (Judge), Sponsors, use of entry numbers, the encouragement of more entries/submissions. Suggested a flyer to let show participants know how to ‘forward’ bags of fiber to next show for judging: Cola Jingle Bells Gathering.



Next Meeting:  Date to be determined; 8:00 EST

Motion to adjourn was made by Fran; Betty seconded. All ayes, motion passed. 

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm EST.

Note: All motions approved by the Fleece Committee still need to be approved by the Governing Board before they go into effect.

Minutes submitted by Rawna Hamann, ILR Fleece Committee Secretary.