ILR Show Division
COMMITTEE Minutes e-mail action
February 11,
Committee Members: Judy
Ross - Chair, Rawna Hamann - Secretary, Mary Jo
Miller, Eran McCarty, Maryan Baker, Jenni Jimmerson
1) Discussion about having
colored class. Suggestion made to add additional color division
classes. However it was brought to our attention that ILR-SD
already allows for additional non-point classes, which the color
division classes would be. These are allowed subject to show
management discretion.
Through emails: Mary Jo made a
motion that a section be added to the Fleece Show
Management/Planning Guide. Add the section between "What are the
Fleece Show Classes?" and the section called "Fleece Divisions"
addition would read:
"Optional Non-Point Fleece
Classes: At show managements discretion, optional non-point
fleece classes can be added. Some suggestions would be Best of
Show Fleece, People's Choice or Color Division classes."
Rawna seconded and there was a
vote take by email to pass with 5 votes yes and one abstention.
2) Through emails: Mary Jo
made a motion and Jenny seconded that the annualized weight
chart be published to the website for fleece documents and
the explanation of why changes were made. This will be posted on
the current ILR-SD website under the fleece documents only. With
6 votes yes - it passed.
Note: All motions approved by
the Fleece Committee still need to be approved by the Governing
Board before they go into effect.
Minutes submitted by Rawna Hamann, ILR Fleece Committee