ILR Show Division Governing Board Minutes - October 27, 2009
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ILR Show Division

November 24, 2009

Meeting called to order:  8:09pm EST. Bill Safreed, Mark Smith, Kristy Brown, Pam Jensen, Tami Lash, Mary Jo Miller, Larry Steffel, Kathi McKinney, John McDougall, Justin Timm, Fran Soukup, and Jan Wassink were present. Beth Myers was unable to attend the call.

Motion to approve minutes from October 28, 2009 approved by email and posted.

Committee Reports:

1.        Finance Committee – presented by Larry Steffel

a.       The finance committee presented a new budget for the ILR-SD for 2010. The budget proposes an increase in the per animal fee for shows with the new fees being $2.00 per head if the show uses ShowManager and $4.00 per head for shows not using ShowManager. This modest increase will provide needed increase in income and operating capital for the continued development of the ILR-SD. Mary Jo discussed the fees associated with the NAILE show and the ILR-SD and the ALSA shows and there was a significant difference in the fees. This modest increase in ILR-SD fees will still be significantly lower than the ALSA fees. There was a discussion about having a judge’s fee implemented into the fees structure for the 2010 budget and design a module on the website to access a photograph and biography of judges to be accessed on the ILR website. A motion was made to incorporate a $15.00 fee for all judges into the 2010 fee structure. Motion by Fran, second by Pam. Motion passed unanimously.  Jan will make the programming necessary for the judges site a high priority with our in-house programmer. A motion to approve the 2010 budget with the addition of the judge’s fees. Motion by Mary Jo, second by John. Motion passed unanimously.

2.        Halter Committee – presented by Justin Timm. No report.

3.       Youth Committee – presented by Kristy Brown. No report. 

a.       The committee requests each committee send a list of priority items they would like to see used in the development of the Youth Judging/Youth Education program.

4.       Performance Committee – presented by Tami Lash

a.       Tami discussed a concern they had received regarding a youth showing in both youth and open classes.

b.       The committee is preparing a document on proper use of the pack for both exhibitors and judges.

c.       The committee has discussed the use of Youth animals in open novice performance classes.

d.       The committee amended the driving document as per the discussion of the October Governing Board meeting. Motion to approve the driving document as amended.  Motion by Kristy, second by Pam. Motion passed unanimously.

e.       Camelid Citizenship Evaluation. The committee is developing an option to score animals on an individual achievement level on a pass-fail basis, rather than being judges against the other participants in the classes. This type of scoring of the animal would allow on-farm or events other than ILR-SD llama shows to host achievement level evaluations. These type classes would be optional classes at ILR-SD shows, so participants in ILR-SD performance classes would achieve their ILR-SD awards, and achievement scores and points would be given separately from the ILR-SD. Motion to approve the preliminary Camelid Citizen Achievement evaluation. Motion by Mary Jo, second by Fran.  Motion passed unanimously.

5.        Fleece Committee – presented by Fran Soukup

a.       The committee discussed the rationale for utilizing the annualized fleece weight scores in the evaluation of fleeces. The committee provided documentation of how other “fleece species” utilize annualized fleece weights and the percentages of points based on fleece production. The committee would like to add additional fleece data from around the country in the spring of 2010 to add additional raw data to add to the research already done. 

b.       The committee is discussing recommended qualifications for a national show.

c.       The committee is developing a document for fleece products definitions for both judges and exhibitors.

d.       The committee has prepared and submitted several articles for publication regarding fleece.

6.       Judges Committee – presented by John McDougall. No report.

7.       Rules Committee – presented by Pam Jensen

a.       The committee has been working on the verbiage to recommendations for apprentices and superintendents to handle their own animals during shows. The committee has been split on these subjects and requests the input of the governing board on these and asks that the governing board make the decision as the committee cannot come to a consensus.

b.       Motion was made that superintendents and apprentice judges may not handle/present animals at the show. Superintendents may however, have a different handler present their animals for judging. Apprentices may not have their own animals or fleeces presented at the show, nor can they handle/present for other people. Motion by Larry, second by Mary Jo. Motion passed unanimously.

New Business:  

1.       We are using the for this call. Three of the participants do not have unlimited long-distance. We will investigate the possibility of attaining an 800 number or reimbursing participants for their calls.

2.       Silver Anniversary Shows: 2010 is the 25th Anniversary of the ILR and the ILR Board wants to have several events to celebrate this event. The ILR Board met with the National Show committee and it was suggested to have four to six shows spread out across the country to celebrate the ILR Anniversary. The proposed concept is to have participants placing in the top four of their classes at an anniversary show be an automatic qualifier for the 2011 ILR-SD National Finals. In the interest of limited time to develop these for some of the special shows that we are hoping to incorporate as anniversary events, the ILR Board requests permission to proceed with development of these anniversary events. Shows being considered are NAILE, the Big E, Llamapalooza, Iowa State Fair, Oregon State Fair, Millennium Magic show. Motion that the ILR Board develops the Anniversary Events. Motion by Pam, second by Larry. Motion passes unanimously.

3.       Revised Procedure for Hosting ILR-SD Clinics: The finance committee and Jan developed a protocol to give a basic template for persons interested in hosting ILR-SD clinics to streamline the process. A motion was made to approve the revised Procedure for Hosting ILR-SD Clinics. Motion by Kat, second by Justin. Motion passed with 11 votes and Fran abstaining.

4.       Qualifying for ILR-SD National Finals – tabled until December.

Old Business:

1.        Bill noted that showmanship novice and advanced need point evaluations for setting criteria for 2010. The same is true for youth to make recommendations for youth showmanship for novice, intermediate and advanced. Other committees are encouraged to review areas for any year end changes.

2.       Committee elections will be announced mid-December. Committees should meet before the next governing board to introduce the new committee member and elect a new chairperson and secretary.

3.       Points are being posted for individual llamas on the animal records. They will be added to the ILR-SD pages so that animal scores could be accessed by entering an animal number. Jan will make this a programming priority. ILR-SD awards will also be accessible on the ILR-SD web pages and posted.

Next meeting date: No December meeting is planned. Any committee business that needs addressed can hopefully be done by email. The next meeting is planned for January 19, 2010.

Motion to Adjourn by Pam, second by Tami. Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 10:19pm EST.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristy Brown, ILR Secretary