ILR Show Division Governing Board Minutes - October 27, 2009
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ILR Show Division

March 23, 2010

Meeting called to order at 8:05 EDT.  Mark Smith, Kathi McKinney, Bill Safreed, Mary Jo Miller, Kristy Brown, Jan Wassink, Larry Steffel, Justin Timm, Fran Soukup, Beth Myers, Jim Krowka, Pam Jensen and Ed Bender present. 

Approval of minutes from January 19, 2010 – approved by email and posted.

Welcome to Ed Bender, the new chairman of the Youth Committee. 

Committee Reports

1.        Fleece Committee: presented by Fran Soukup.

a.       There was some discussion of dividing fleece classes by color as requested by a few members. The committee decided that show numbers are insufficient to warrant color grouping. The ILR-SD fleece guidelines are based on industry standards and the fleece industry does not sort based on color. Research does not support one color of fleece being consistently finer, with better hand, or more lustrous than another color.

b.       There was discussion of clarifying the approved classes and optional specialty classes for color groups or other categories. A motion was made to allow optional specialty color classes that would not receive points. Motion by Beth, second by Mary Jo.  Motion passed unanimously.

2.       Rules Committee: presented by Pam Jensen.

a.       The rules committee will add the verbiage to general rules to state that animals may be in only one approved division class and points will be awarded. Exhibitors are encouraged to participate in specialty optional classes as offered by show management, but no points will be awarded.

3.       Judges Committee: presented by Beth Myers.

a.        Beth was elected as the chair of the judges committee.

b.       The committee discussed and decided that apprentices cannot be allowed to judge shows until the apprenticeships and clinics have been completed.

c.       Fleece clinics – the committee has requested that Fran provide an outline of the information to be provided at both beginners and advanced clinics. The current fleece judge criterion was approved.

d.       General judge certification and education – a test will be developed that all grandfathered judges must pass so that they are familiar with the ILR-SD guidelines.  After passing this test, grandfathered judges will not be required to attend a clinic, but apprentice with a “teaching judge.” Teaching judges will be determined based on a letter requesting teaching certification along with completing a questionnaire supplied by the committee. Also, some other qualification may apply such as judge not on probation, has judged (to be determined) number of ILR shows along with (to be determined) other shows. This is a proposal not voted on or approved to date. Only these judges will be allowed to have an apprentice.  All judges will be encouraged to have a hard copy of the rules/guidelines with them at shows.


e.       Records and filing system Jan suggested that information can be filed at the ILR office and set-up on the ILR website with limited access. This could be set up for each committee. This will aid in the transition between chairmen and committee members.  This would keep all records available without having to ship or transfer files.


f.        Utilizing conformation and movement materials – Kristy has donated materials regarding conformation and movement and they are being considered as teaching tools in the future.

g.       Criteria for “fast track” judges with a lot of show/breeding experience and apprentice programs for inexperienced individuals seeking judges training is in development.

4.       Finance Committee: presented by Larry Steffel.

a.       No meeting has been held because there were no activities warranting it.

b.       The committee requests that Jan in the ILR office send a quarterly report of expenditures to each committee chair.

c.       Wayne Rankin resigned due to personal reasons. The ILR board will appoint a new member as there was no one who ran against Barb Baker in the election. Contact Mark or Larry with any suggestions.

5.       Halter Committee: presented by Justin Timm.

a.       No meeting has been held because there were no activities warranting it.

6.       Performance Committee: presented by Jim Krowka.

a.        No meeting has been held because there were no activities warranting it.

b.       The committee is working on development of the Camelid Companion Certification and the qualifications for certifier. Jim is developing a video to demonstrate the tasks. The committee will be making suggestions as to how to incorporate this into the shows and proposed a fee for shows to charge for this. The committee asked for input for developing the list of certifiers – this could include judges, experienced exhibitors, etc.  The topic was returned to the performance committee to give a list of suggested certifiers to the judges committee for approval. An eBulletin can be developed to promote the program and ask for certifiers.

c.       There was discussion regarding interpretation of some rules specific to “over interpretation” of rules. Kristy suggested all committees review their guidelines and clarify any verbiage for the 2011 guidelines.

7.       Youth Committee: presented by Ed Bender.

a.        Ed Bender was elected as the chair of the Youth Committee.

b.       The committee suggests changing the youth divisions from the current experience levels to age divisions: All youth classes would be changed 7-11 Junior, 12-15 Intermediate and 16-18 Senior and make this recommendation retroactive to January 1, 2010. The original guideline for 2009 stipulated that this would be evaluated after the 2009 year and that is why this rule will be made retroactive. A motion was made by Fran, second by Beth. Unanimous approval. 

c.       The Youth Judging manual will be developed to parallel the judging committee materials for consistency. The committee requests that this manual could be utilized for any educational activity.

d.       The committee discussed fund raising and being sure that donators would receive a receipt for any donations.

Old Business:

ILR-SD Silver Anniversary Shows – five shows are booked as ILR-SD Silver Anniversary Shows: WOLI in Oregon in June, Spokane Interstate Fair in Washington in August, Iowa State Fair in Iowa in August, The Big E in Massachusetts in September and NAILE in Kentucky in November. The committee has ordered gifts for exhibitors as well as sponsor gifts. There are currently nine Silver Sponsors and three “Friends of the ILR sponsors.”

New Business:

1.       The suggestion was made that any email discussions be summarized and posted on the website. All committees have been active and have done a lot of decisions by email – this is more efficient and more economical, but summaries should be posted.

Next Meeting:  Tuesday April 27, 2010 at 8pm EDT.

Motion to adjourn at 9:51pm EST:  motion by Pam, second by Beth. Unanimous approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristy Brown, ILR Secretary