ILR Show Division Governing Board Minutes - June 29, 2010
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ILR Show Division

June 29, 2010

Meeting called to order at 8:12 EDT. Mark Smith, Bill Safreed, Mary Jo Miller, Kristy Brown, Jan Wassink, Fran Soukup, Beth Myers, Jim Krowka, Pam Jensen and Ed Bender present. Larry Steffel, Justin Timm and Kathi McKinney were unable to make the call.

Approval of minutes from April 27, 2010 – approved by email and posted.

National Finals Show Report: presented by Mary Jo Miller.

1.       The committee has researched the Iowa State Fairgrounds for a venue. The advantage of this facility is the availability of over 350 stalls, large arenas and the ability to hold our event with other events being held on the grounds to attract non-llama owning persons.

2.       The ILR Board approached the LFA to combine the two events on the same weekend for 2011.  A proposal was sent to Ken Austin, president of the LFA. The LFA board countered with a request for more information and a commitment to their date of the third weekend in September.  They will also make an offer to ALSA to combine events. The ILR Board will prepare a counter proposal and submit it to the LFA Board for review at their July 6, 2010, meeting.

3.       Norris Berg was suggested as the proposed Superintendent of the National Finals Show. Motion to approve Norris by Beth, second by Fran. Motion passed unanimously. Norris will be encouraged to assemble his own team and present them to the ILR-SD Governing Board for approval.

4.       Judges for National Finals Show – Motion: To be considered eligible to judge an ILR-SD National Finals Show, a judge must have fulfilled the requirements for and successfully achieved ILR-SD Judge Permanent Certification. Motion by Pam, second by Beth. Discussion followed to determine how to select the judges from the list of Certified ILR-SD Judges. Suggestions included letting the members vote from a list of vetted judges, let members suggest names and the ILR-SD Governing Board could select from the list, let the National Finals Show Committee suggest judges pending ILR-SD Governing Board approval. No decision was made and the subject will be revisited.

Committee Reports

1.       Judges Committee – presented by Beth Myers.

a.       Apprentices may not act as a second judge for performance courses until they have received a satisfactory apprenticeship evaluation. Motion by Pam, second by Mary Jo. Motion passed unanimously.

b.       Teaching judges – judges that can accept apprentices. Additional requirements were added for qualifications for a teaching judge: Three letters of recommendation would be required in addition to the previously approved letter of request for consideration as a teaching judge, completion of either a Refresher Seminar or a mentorship with a teaching judge and completion of a questionnaire.  

c.       Fleece judges will be sent the same information as Halter & Performance judges and must fulfill the same criteria.

d.       Judges, Breeders, Apprentices and Educational Judging and Refresher Seminar: a seminar has been scheduled for July 9-11, 2010, at Beth Myers farm in Ohio. There are 12 confirmed attendees, 7 Grandfathered judges, 5 Education participants, and 1 New Judge Candidate.

2.       Finance Committee – no report, but the ILR Board recommended Kay Berg to fill the vacancy on the committee. Motion to approve by Pam, second by Beth. Motion passed unanimously.

3.       Rules Committee – presented by Pam Jensen. The committee is clarifying the verbiage on the Composite Award and preparing scoring forms that will be included in the 2011 Guidelines & Rules Document.

4.       Performance Committee – presented by Jim Krowka.

A.     There was continued discussion of the need to define refusals and attempts on performance courses for both Novice and Advanced participants, as well as including verbiage regarding show management and judges being able to determine the number of attempts/refusals for each event. Tabled and returned to committee for clarification.

B.     CCC (Camelid Companion Certification) – names have been suggested for the Focus Group and these will be submitted to the ILR Board for approval. There was also discussion of an eBulletin for Focus Group participation and information the Camelid Companion Certification program. The topic will be discussed at the next ILR Board meeting.

5.       Youth Committee – no report

6.       Halter Committee – no report

7.       Fleece Committee – no report.

Old Business: none

New Business:            none

Next Meeting:  Tuesday July 27, 2010 at 8pm EDT.

Motion to adjourn at 10:12pm EDT: motion by Fran, second by Jim. Motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,  

Kristy Brown, ILR Secretary