ILR Show Division Governing Board Minutes - July 27, 2010
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ILR Show Division

July 27, 2010

Meeting called to order at 8:07 EDT. Mark Smith, Bill Safreed, Mary Jo Miller, Kristy Brown, Jan Wassink, Fran Soukup, Pam Jensen and Ed Bender present. Kathi McKinney, Beth Myers, Larry Steffel, Jim Krowka & Justin Timm were unable to make the call.

Approval of minutes from June 29, 2010 – approved by email and posted.

National Finals Show Report: presented by Norris Berg, National Finals Show Superintendent.

1.       Norris discussed the options at the two final venues for the 2011 National Show, IA State Fairgrounds in Des Moines, IA and NAILE in Louisville, KY, comparing the cost of both venues.

2.       Norris discussed the number of ILR-SD shows in different parts of the country. In 2009 there were a total of 30 shows and as of June 30, 2010, there have 22 completed to date. 

3.       Norris has asked several people to join his committee and has met with the Judges Committee chair to discuss judges’ selection process.

Committee Reports

1.       Fleece Committee – presented by Fran Soukup.

a.       The committee elected Fran as the liaison to the National Show.

b.       The committee made recommendations to the judges committee for permanent certification.

c.       The committee suggests that the Judge for the National show have permanent certification.

d.       The committee recommends all ILR-SD fleece classes be used for the National level.

2.       Judges Committee – presented by Mark Smith

a.       Beth sent out several articles for the Guidelines/Rules committee – Beth was unable to make the call so the topics were tabled so that she could be available for discussion.

3.       Halter Committee – presented by Kristy Brown.

a.       Two eBulletins have been prepared – Grand and Reserve class placings and halter descriptions.

4.       Performance Committee – presented by Bill Safreed. No report.

5.       Guidance/Rules Committee – presented by Pam Jensen.

a.       Bill Safreed is the new ILR Board member for the Guidelines/Rules committee replacing Mary Jo. She is now the ILR President as well as liaison to the National show.

b.       The Guidelines/Rules committee suggested changes to the scoring cards to include the number of animals in the class to place. Also, a chart with the number of animals to place for each class will be included.

c.       The Judges Committee information will be added to the next guidelines.

d.       The committee is reviewing the current rule regarding animals owned by a judge at a specific show not being allowed to be shown at that show. The committee has discussed letting the animals be shown in an area the judge is not judging and will make a new recommendation at the next meeting.

6.       Finance Committee – presented by Jan Wassink.

a.       The ILR-SD is staying within the 2010 budget, revenues are increased over 2009 and expenses have been minimal due to the new conference call-in number. The finance committee will meet to review this information and update committees regarding their budget.

7.       Youth Committee – presented by Ed Bender

a.       The committee had concerns that anyone making a donation to the ILR-SD Youth program receives a receipt. If donations are sent directly to the ILR office, an invoice is sent to the person listing the donation and what it is directed for.

b.       The suggestion was made to develop the youth judging program now that a judges’ clinic has been held. This will be represented to the committee.

Old Business:  none

New Business:  none

Next Meeting:  Tuesday August 31, 2010 at 8pm EDT.

Motion to adjourn at 9:03pm EDT:  motion by Pam, second by Mark. Motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,  

Kristy Brown, ILR Secretary