ILR Show Division
August 9, 2011
called to order
at 8:05 EDT. Mary Jo Miller, Kristy Brown, Jan Wassink, Pam
Tait, Debbie Arendas, Kathi McKinney, Beth Myers, Bill Safreed,
Matt Fruits, David Armer, Karen Baum, Ryan Laux & Barb Baker.
Guidelines: presented by Debbie.
Proposed addition to guidelines –
"Animals that were
purchased from any presiding show judge may not be shown in
front of that judge for a period of 1 year. Further, any animals
owned in partnership with, or leased with a presiding show judge
may not be shown in front of the presiding show judge.
Apprentice judges are asked to excuse themselves from a class in
which an animal they sold, lease or own in partnership with the
exhibitor is being shown. This applies to halter, performance
and fleece division judges and animals." After discussion, the
comment Please refer to Judges Section for further
clarification. should be added. Motion to approve with amended
statement – motion by Debbie, second by Beth. Motion approved
unanimously. The item as amended will be returned to the
committee for approval of the amendment and proper placement in
the guidelines.
Performance: presented by David.
No report.
Finance: presented by Barb.
finance committee has requested that the ILR office prepare a
list of members vs. non-member participants. A review of that
data will be presented at a future meeting along with
recommendations for fee changes.
Fleece: presented by Pam.
Proposed additions to guidelines –
1) The following
levels of achievement are attainable in Fleece:(a)
Certificate of Championship
a) 40 points earned
in any fleece division
b) 4 Grand
Champions, OR 3 Grands and 2 Reserve Champions
2) Certificate
of Excellence
a) 40 points earned
in any fleece division
3) Certificate
of Achievement
a) 25 points earned
in any fleece division
b) Points earned in
Shorn Fleece, Fleece On and Two Ounce Sample classes can be
1) The following
levels of achievement are attainable in Fleece Products:
a) Certificate
of Championship
(1) 40 points earned
in any fleece product class
(2) 4 Grand
Champions, OR 3 Grands and 2 Reserve Champions
Certificate of Excellence
(1) 40 points earned
in any fleece product class
c) Certificate
of Achievement
(1) 25 points earned
in any fleece product class
(2) Points earned in
all fleece product classes will be combined.
(3) Points earned in
Youth division cannot be combined with points earned in Adult
Any points
and Grands/Reserves earned during the 2009, 2010, and 2011 will
count towards these awards.
Youth: presented by Matt.
a. An
email was sent to Matt as the chair questioning if points are
awarded for Grand and Reserve Champion awards in the Youth
Division. The email was not received by any of the Youth
Committee or the Governing Board. Matt will forward the email.
Matt will respond that at this point in time, there are no
points awarded for Grand/Reserve in Performance and Youth
category. Matt will take the item to the Youth Committee for
discussion and they will coordinate with the Performance
Committee before presenting to the Governing Board.
Judges: presented by Beth.
Guidelines, Part IV, Section A, Item 4, G: Add provision
variation: Upon request and subsequent approval from the ILR-SD
Judges Committee, an ILR-SD member wishing to serve as an
apprentice (who has obtained permission from Show Superintendent
and Officiating Teaching Judge) may do so once prior to
participating in an ILR-SD Seminar.
Guidelines, Part IV, Section F: Ethics: Judges, Apprentices
and Exhibitors
1) The ILR-SD
strongly recommends that an ILR-SD officiating Judge shall not
adjudicate any animal, or fleece from that animal, which has
been purchased from said Judge or his/her immediate family
within 12 months of the date of the show where the judge is
2) It is also
noted that it is equally the responsibility of the new
owner/exhibitor to refrain from entering an animal or its fleece
in an event to be judged by the official from whom the
animal/entry has been purchased within the last 12 months.
3) Officiating
Judge may not adjudicate halter animals, fleece on, coat on or
shorn fleece from said animal, performance animals which are
owned, owned in partnership or animals shown by immediate family
members regardless of ownership. This will also include youth
classes where the youth is a relative or showing an animal owned
by the judge or judges family or partnership. Exception:
Family members may assist in showing in group classes where the
animal has already been individually judged.
After discussion,
this item needs to include Apprentices being able to exclude
themselves in the event that an animal they have sold in the
past 12 months is shown to parallel the Guidelines approved.
c. Add line on
Apprentice/Seminar Evaluation Forms.
1) FLEECE: 4. (a) Current
ILR-SD Guidelines test taken and reviewed. Check mark is all
that is needed.
2) HPY: 8. (a) Current ILR-SD
Guidelines test taken and reviewed. Check mark is all that is
Motion to approve items a.b.c.
as written. Motion by Bill, second by Barb. Motion approved
unanimously and returned to the Judges committee for approval of
amendments to item 2.
d. The following is a list by category of names for approval
at the Governing Board Meeting on Tuesday, August 9, 2011.
1) Enter apprentice program:
FLEECE: WA Seminar-Adrienne Hochee, Jenni Jimmerson, Marilyn Smith,
Rose Bloom
OH Seminar-Terese Evenson
Motion to approve by Kathi, second by Pam. Motion passed
HPY: WA seminar-Heather Koenig
Motion to approve by Kristy, second Barb. Motion passed
2) Enter apprentice program upon receipt of apprentice
information form:
FLEECE: Toni Pearce, Ramona Simpson, Sara Nichols
HPY: Sara Nichols
PERFORMANCE ONLY: Bob Wooldridge, Cathy Wooldridge
Tabled until all required documents are received.
3) Certified judges from apprenticeship program:
Fleece Seminar, WA – Niki Kuklenski , Rawna Hammon
Motion to approve by Barb, second by Kathi. Motion passed
4) Permanently certify current judges:
HPY Seminar, WA – Niki Kuklenski, Linda Hayes, Terry Spekreijse,
Adrienne Hochee, Linda Hayes
HP Seminar, WA – Johanna Edmunds, Kim Yates
Motion to approve by Kathi, second by Barb. Motion passed
5) Fast Track Fleece Judge:
Fleece Seminar,
Ohio – Joy Bishop-Forshey
Motion to approve for immediate acceptance by Bill. No second
Motion to approve effective
January 1, 2012 – motion by Kristy, second by Kathi. Motion
passed unanimously. It will be noted on the judges list she will
be able to judge after
Fleece Seminar, WA – Linda Hayes. Tabled until apprenticeship
recommendation received.
6) Certify as Teaching Judge:
HPY Seminar; WA – Adrienne Hochee, Niki Kuklenski, Linda Hayes
Motion to approve by Barb, second by Pam. Motion passed
7) Advanced Teaching Judges: Adrienne Hochee, Niki Kuklenski
Motion to approve by Kathi, second by David. Motion failed by 3/7
due to lack of experience.
Motion to readdress by email after they have more experience and/or
there is a request for them to participate in a Seminar. Motion
by Kathi, second by Beth.
Halter – presented by Ryan.
No report.
International Gathering of Friends and Champions Planning
a. We
need to come up with a theme for the 2012 event.
Norris has stated he welcomes suggestions and input from the
Governing Board.
c. 2012
Qualifying Requirements-Motion to require ILR Show Division
Membership as the only qualifying requirement for participation
in the 2012 Gathering. Motion by Karen, second by Barb. Motion
passed unanimously.
Judges for 2012 Gathering: Norris Berg, 2012 Gathering
Superintendent has proposed the following judges:
Halter – Terry Duespohl
Performance – Beth Myers
Fleece – Judy Ross
Motion to
accept the proposed judges. Motion by Barb, second by Matt.
Motion passed unanimously.
are reminded that all communications need to be directed to the
appropriate committees for discussion/confirmation. All
communications need to go to the committee in its entirety not
just an individual member.
October 27, 2011 at 8pm EDT.
Motion to
at 10:07 EDT: motion by Karen, second by Barb. Motion passed
Respectfully submitted,
Kristy Brown, ILR Secretary