ILR Show Division Governing Board Minutes - October 27, 2011
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ILR Show Division

October 27, 2011

Meeting called to order at 8:07 EDT. Mary Jo Miller, Kristy Brown, Jan Wassink, David Armer, Pam Tait, Debbie Arendas, Kathi McKinney, Beth Myers, Matt Fruits, Karen Baum and Ryan Laux. Kay Berg and Bill Safreed were unable to attend the call.

The International Gathering of Friends and Champions Review: Norris Berg joined the call for the discussion of the 2012 Gathering.

1.      Selection of a theme for the 2012 event: The three suggested themes were Las Vegas, The 50’s or The Election Year. Motion to use the theme of Las Vegas for the 2012 Gathering. Motion by Beth, second by Matt. Motion passed unanimously.

Committee Reports:

1.      Guidelines: Debbie –  presented by Debbie Arendas

a.       Submission of show results At the bottom of the Sanctioning Form where it is stated show costs: Show costs: Show fee due when results are given to the ILR office. Add wording: Results must be submitted within 14 days after the show ends. Motion to approve as written by Beth, second by Matt. Motion passed unanimously.

b.      Number of committee members This committee recommends Guideline C.1.a be changed from "Each committee consists of five ILR-SD members and an ILR Board of Directors representative" to "Each committee consists of up to five, but not less than 3, ILR-SD members and an ILR Board of Directors representative."  If this change is approved item C.d.2 of the guidelines will also need to be revised: "Working toward consensus on all recommendations. (If consensus is not achievable, a recommendation must have four (4) affirmative votes to take action on. This means a quorum of at least four (4) members must be present in order to have enough votes to ratify a proposal.)"
The guidelines committee recommends changing the number 4 to a 3
whereby 3 affirmative votes would be needed to ratify a proposal for a committee of less than 5 members.

After much discussion, the Governing Board has suggested the following change of verbiage: In the event of a resignation or loss of a member, the committee can continue to function until a new member can be appointed by the ILR Board or elected. The total number on the committee cannot drop below three ILR-SD members and the ILR Board representative. Motion to approve as amended. Motion by Karen, second by Beth. Motion passed unanimously and will be returned to the committee for a final opinion.

c.       Committee term length The guidelines committee recommends lowering the term length for committee members from 5 years to 3 years to attract more candidates for ILR-SD committees.

1.       After much discussion, because section b. was not changed to reduce the number of committee members, then this change does not apply. It will be returned to the committee for further discussion.

d.      Guideline committee agrees with the GB on adding the sentence "Refer to the Judges Section for further clarification" in regards to showing an animal in front of a judge where the animal has been purchased from said judge in past 12 months. The committee would like this to be added to III.A.d (Individuals who may not exhibit). Motion to accept as written. Motion by Beth, second by Kristy. Motion passed unanimously.

e.      Section III C.1.b: Change the word "perspective" to "respective" and delete the word six if item 2 is approved. This item currently reads:

"All six members of the committee are voting members of their perspective committee."  Because item (b) was not approved, the wording would be rewritten as “All six members of the committee are voting members of their respective committee.” Motion to approve as amended. Motion by Beth, second by Pam. Motion passed unanimously.

2.      Performance – presented by David.

a.       "Points will be awarded to Grand/Reserve Grand Champions in each performance division. Grand/Reserve will be awarded points based on the largest number of entries in one class. Points will be based on using the ILR-SD and ILR-UAP Point Chart." 


Junior Youth Obstacle  6 entries

Junior Youth Pack  4 entries

Junior Youth Public Relations  5 entries

Division Total = 6 entries (largest number of entries in one class) 

First place Junior Youth Obstacle = 4 points

Grand Champion Junior Youth Performance = an additional 4 points

Motion to approve as written. Motion by David, second by Matt. Motion approved unanimously.

3.      Fleece – presented by Pam.

The fleece committee went through the entire fleece section of the guidelines and corrected some descriptions, made some minor wording changes to the score cards to match the on-line score cards, changed single fiber type to “no discernable guard hai,r” made sure descriptions between shorn and fleece-on matched, corrected minor grammatical changes and made sure all previously approved items were included in the current guidelines.

Motion to approve additions and corrections to Fleece guidelines. Motion by Beth, second by Pam. Motion passed unanimously.

4.      Youth – presented by Matt.

a.       Youth committee recommends adding the verbiage: All Youth participating in driving classes are required to wear a helmet. The type of helmet worn will not be considered in scoring the class.

Motion by Matt, second by Debbie. Motion passed unanimously. This verbiage will be added under the section on Driving Equipment as well as the Youth Section of the Guidelines.

b.      Because the Performance committee change to add points for Grands/Reserves passed (see #2 above), this statement should also be added to the Youth guidelines.

5.      Judges – presented by Beth.

1.      Evaluation of Apprenticeships:

a.  Received apprenticeship evaluation form for Heather Koenig prepared by Adrienne     Hochee. Committee has approved her as an ILR-SD Judge for Halter, Performance and Youth. Motion to approve by Beth, second by Kathi. Motion passed unanimously.

b.      Received apprenticeship evaluation for Sarah Nichols and after discussion the committee has suggested that it would be to Sarah’s advantage and benefit to do an additional apprenticeship under another teaching judge.

2.      Approve Adrienne Hochee as Advanced Teaching Judge. Has completed additional criteria to further her experience as a Teaching Judge and meet recommendations from the last Governing Board meeting. Motion to approve by Kristy, second by Kathi. Motion passed unanimously.


3.      Approve permanent certification for Debbie Shellabarger and Barb Harris. Mentor evaluation forms have been received. (Terry Duespohl & Mary Jo Miller). Motion to approve by Beth, second by Debbie. Motion passed unanimously.

4.   Add one or two lines to evaluation forms as needed:

a.   Name/Location_________________Date________

b.   Performance: Knowledge of Guidelines, procedures & scoring__________________

Motion to approve form revision by Beth, second by Karen. Motion passed unanimously.

5.   Define Advanced Teaching Judge:

a.   May be leader/facilitator at any ILR approved seminar/clinic without additional approval.

b.   Qualified to oversee and assist leader/facilitators to assure all ILR Guidelines and recommendations are understood and discussed with attendees.

Motion to approve form revision by Beth, second by Karen. Motion passed unanimously.

c.   Part IV, Section A, 4, g:  Interested parties may enter the apprenticeship program any time during or after the year of the 18th birthday  The age limit for being approved as a permanently certified judge is age 21 or older.  This may be accomplished at anytime during or after the year of the 21st birthday.

The item will be returned to the committee for further discussion and change of verbiage. It will be voted on by email.

6.   Update Judges/Apprentices’ list with ILR office

7.   Approve the following for inclusion in Guidelines:

a.   Penalty &/or recourse for judges not meeting deadline for requirements:


a)  Judge may request an extension of original deadline with verifiable and justified reason.

b)  Judge will be given a two week notice to comply.

c)  If not complied, Judges’ name will be removed from the ILR-SD approved Judges’ List

d)   Once name is removed from approved Judges’ list, Judge is no longer eligible or permitted to Judge at any ILR-SD Sanctioned show/event and must notify Show/event management to hire an alternative Judge.

e)   Judge will be denied participation in a teaching capacity at ILR-SD Seminars/clinics even as a “Generally accepted expert in their field”.

                                    f)  To be reinstated a Judge must:

1.  Pay a $50.00 fine

2.  Complete missed requirement

3.  Complete an apprenticeship under a permanently certified Teaching Judge and/or attend an ILR-SD Educational Seminar/Clinic

Motion to approve these additions by Beth, second by David. Motion passed  unanimously.


(2) G.  TEACHING JUDGES and JUDGES ACTING AS A MENTOR may NOT evaluate any family member or anyone sharing ownership of an ILR-SD camelid or any other partnership. 

Exception:  When acting in a teaching, leader/facilitator role during an ILR-SD Educational Seminar, evaluations may be completed.

Motion to approve these additions by Kristy, second by Karen. Motion passed unanimously.

b.   Part IV, Section A, 4, g: Interested parties may enter the apprenticeship program any time during or after the year of the 18th birthday. The age limit for being approved as a permanently certified judge is age 21 or older.  This may be accomplished at anytime during or after the year of the 21st birthday.

After discussion, the item will be returned to committee to clarify the ages listed and reword the proposal for clarity.

6.   Halter –  presented by Ryan. No items for discussion.

7.   Finance – presented by Kathi as ILR Treasurer for Kay Berg/Bill Safreed who were unable to attend. The original finance committee was conceptually a fund raising committee. The finances of the ILR-SD are managed by the ILR Board and the ILR Registrar. The finance committee has suggested the committee be disbanded and the ILR-SD members would be able to serve on other committees. The Governing Board supports dissolution of the committee and it is returned to the Finance committee for a request for dissolution. This will be voted on by email.

New Business: 

1.      Petition to ILR BOD –  allowed dues to be paid late for collection of points. Had to pay 2011 and 2012 dues plus a $15 late fee. Only allowed as was member previous year and only allowed once in lifetime.

2.      The members are reminded that all communications are forwarded to the committees for discussion and the committee chair then responds to the member or ILR Board. Committee members are asked not to respond directly to the person asking the question.

3.      A subcommittee for The Gathering will be formed as a subcommittee of the Guidelines Committee. The superintendent of The Gathering would serve as the Chairman of the committee. Subcommittee chairs do not have voting rights on the Governing Board.

Old Business:  Reminder –  minutes need to be approved and posted within a reasonable time after committee meetings. Any committee business transacted via email also needs to be reported as minutes.    We need to keep our membership informed.

Next Meeting: Thursday, February 16, 2012, at 8:00pm EST.

Motion to adjourn at 10:36 EST: motion by Karen, second by Kathi. Motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,  

Kristy Brown, ILR Secretary