ILR Show Division Governing Board Minutes - February 16, 2012
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ILR Show Division

August 6, 2012

Meeting called to order at 8:03pm EDT. Bill Safreed, Mary Jo Miller, Karen Baum, Kristy Brown, Jan Wassink, Kathi McKinney, Matt Fruits, Pam Tait, Erin Fruits, Harvey Pool, Phillip Feiner, Norris Berg and Deb Arendas were in attendance.

Gathering Committee Report: presented by Norris Berg

Norris presented a summary of the 2012 Gathering: total number of llamas entered was down about 8% from 2011 due to the economy and continued high fuel prices. There were 505 class entries from 82 farms. 173 stalls were used. There were 70 sponsors this year, an increase over last year. Most donations were small indicating more grass roots support of the show and the concept.

The same facility (Iowa State Fairgrounds) has been reserved for 2013 for Father's Day weekend. A motion was made by Matt to have the 2013 Gathering at the Iowa State Fairgrounds on Father's Day weekend, June 14-16, 2013. Kathi seconded, motion was unanimously approved without further discussion.

A motion was made by Kathi to approve Norris for Chairperson of the 2013 Gathering. Mary Jo seconded. Motion was approved unanimously. Norris agreed to chair the 2013 show.

Norris encouraged everyone to promote the 2013 Gathering and thanked them for their efforts in the past. If anyone wanted to help with sponsorships let him know. He also suggested more pictures of the Gathering be placed on the web site to increase interest in the show. He is taking suggestion for a theme for the 2013 show and welcomes suggestions for different obstacles. Pam Jensen has agreed to head up promotions again and Terry Duespohl agreed to be the head clerk and halter superintendent.

Committee Reports:

Meeting called to order at 8:03pm EDT. Bill Safreed, Mary Jo Miller, Karen Baum, Kristy Brown, Jan Wassink, Kathi McKinney, Matt Fruits, Pam Tait, Erin Fruits, Harvey Pool, Phillip Feiner, Norris Berg and Deb Arendas were in attendance.

Gathering Committee Report: presented by Norris Berg

Norris presented a summary of the 2012 Gathering: total number of llamas entered was down about 8% from 2011 due to the economy and continued high fuel prices. There were 505 class entries from 82 farms. 173 stalls were used. There were 70 sponsors this year, an increase over last year. Most donations were small indicating more grass roots support of the show and the concept.

The same facility (Iowa State Fairgrounds) has been reserved for 2013 for Father's Day weekend. A motion was made by Matt to have the 2013 Gathering at the Iowa State Fairgrounds on Father's Day weekend, June 14-16, 2013. Kathi seconded, motion was unanimously approved without further discussion.

A motion was made by Kathi to approve Norris for Chairperson of the 2013 Gathering. Mary Jo seconded. Motion was approved unanimously. Norris agreed to chair the 2013 show.

Norris encouraged everyone to promote the 2013 Gathering and thanked them for their efforts in the past. If anyone wanted to help with sponsorships let him know. He also suggested more pictures of the Gathering be placed on the web site to increase interest in the show. He is taking suggestion for a theme for the 2013 show and welcomes suggestions for different obstacles. Pam Jensen has agreed to head up promotions again and Terry Duespohl agreed to be the head clerk and halter superintendent.

Committee Reports:

1. Guidelines presented by Deb Arendas. No report. The Committee has a couple of items to discuss.

2. Performance presented by Erin Fruits. No report. Erin has received questions about exhibitors helping to set up an obstacle course or providing obstacles for the show. There are no current Guidelines for these situations. The consensus of the Board was that these activities were not prohibited and should not present a problem of fairness to other exhibitors.

3. Fleece presented by Pam Tait. No report. The Committee is working on the new composite class worksheet.

4. Youth presented by Matt Fruits. No report. The Committee is working on clarification of the Youth Judging program rules. Adult judging has been removed from this item.

5. Judges presented by Phil Feiner. The Committee is clarifying the apprentice process. The Chair has resigned and none of the other members is able to take the position; but Beth Myers has agreed to fill in as Chair, however current rules prohibit that since she was Chair the prior two years. The Judges Committee is asking the Governing Board to make an exception in this case to allow Beth to Chair the Committee until year end.

Mary Jo made a motion to make an exception to the committee guidelines to allow Beth Myers to assume the Chair of the Judges Committee until January 1, 2013. Matt seconded the motion. Motion was approved unanimously.

5. Halter presented by Harvey Pool. The Committee is working on a rule change for the listing of the halter classes that will separate any approved classes instead of showing them combined.

Old Business:

At the May 17th meeting the ILR BOD representatives, Mary Jo and Bill, presented a proposal to raise the per-llama show fee and to require membership in the SD to show at a sanctioned show. The proposal was tabled at that time until this meeting.

Mary Jo again raised the issues for discussion. Karen made a motion to raise the per-llama fees from $2/$4 to $3/$5 to be effective January 1, 2013. Motion was seconded by Kathi. Motion was unanimously approved.

As for the membership requirement, the Board wanted to think more about it and wished to revisit the proposal at the next meeting.

For website posting of SD Committee minutes, the secretary should still send to Dar to post but indicate in the subject line that the item(s) are final and ready to post. Dar will acknowledge receipt but if she does not, the secretary should send it again. The web site should be checked in about a week or two to be sure it was posted, if not contact Dar.

Deb asked that any guidelines changes be presented in detail to the Guideline Committee, indicate the rule section and the exact words to delete and those that replace them or that are new and where they are to be added.

New Business:

A member asked the Governing Board to consider what actions could be taken to get shows to submit show results in a more timely fashion. Several shows have been concluded for many months but the results have not been received by the office. Current procedure is to direct the exhibitors to contact the show management directly as there is little the ILR can do directly to compel compliance. After some discussion it was agreed to continue the current policy. Jan suggested that as an inducement to promptly report, we might be able to offer an e-Bulletin with a direct link to the show results if submitted within two weeks. This would give the complying shows some additional exposure. Jan would explore this option.

Next Meeting: Thursday, October 18 at 8:00 p.m. EST.

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. EDT. Motion to adjourn by Kathi, second by Matt. All were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Bill Safreed, ILR Secretary