ILR Show Division
April 2, 2014
On April 2, 2014 Tami Lash, on behalf of the Judges Committee, submitted via e-mail
the following for consideration by the ILR-SD Governing Board:
Apprentice Terese Evenson has requested certification in Halter, Performance
and Youth.
She has completed the necessary number of apprenticeships for Halter, and her last apprenticeship
evaluation indicated she would be ready to Judge for ILR-SD.
The Judge's Committee recommends her to become certified for Halter, and that she will need to take an
additional Performance Apprenticeship in order to complete the needed qualifications for her Youth and
Performance Judging status.
Please respond in approval of Terese Evenson as a Halter Judge for ILR-SD. If you do not approve, please
state why.
The motion was approved by the required majority of members.
Respectfully submitted,
Bill Safreed, ILR Secretary