ILR Show Division
March 15, 2009
I. Call to Order, Roll Call, Minutes
The meeting was called to order by John McDougall at 7:07
pm. All committee members were present: Chair John McDougall,
Ken Austin, Secretary Terry Duespohl, Barb Harris, Judy Steffel,
and ILR Board Member Mark Smith. There were no additions or
deletions to the agenda. Minutes of the meeting of February 15,
2009 had previously been approved by email and are posted on the
ILR website.
II. Old Business
The Judges Committee Mission Statement and Statement of
A draft had been prepared by Terry Duespohl and Judy Steffel
and circulated to the committee for review. Upon motion by
Ken Austin and second by Mark Smith, the referenced document
was unanimously approved and will be submitted to the ILR-SD
Governing Board.
Standing Rules and Ethical Guidelines:
Mark Smith provided a draft of Standing Rules and Ethical
Guidelines for ILR-SD judges. After lengthy discussion, the
first four rules/guidelines were approved with minor
editorial changes. The number five item in the draft was
struck in its entirety. The number six item, the language
dealing with conflict of interest, will be re-drafted and
reconsidered by the committee. After discussion it was
decided that it would be prudent to approve the first four
rules/guidelines so that they would be available for
reference by judges at early shows. Terry Duespohl made the
motion for approval. The second was by Ken Austin. The
motion passed unanimously. The Standing Rules and Ethical
Guidelines for ILR-SD Judges will be submitted to the IRL-SD
Governing Board for approval.
Judges Training:
Terry Duespohl reported that minimal progress has been made
because he was out of town on vacation. He has contacted
Fran Soukup about serving on the sub-committee as a resource
person for fiber. As previously reported, Barb Harris has
volunteered to be a resource representing show
superintendents. Niki Kuklenski had corresponded with the
judges committee offering input on a number of issues
related to judges training. Her correspondence was well
received by the committee. Particularly commendable was the
fact that where she noted a problem, she also offered
suggested solutions. Terry will provide feedback to Niki on
her correspondence.
The committee reviewed the Governing Board minutes
from their meeting of February 18, 2009. Two areas of
concern were noted. The first concern addressed the number
of fleece divisions in halter classes. While the committee
supports the additional divisions, it also recognizes that
slotting animals into the correct classes will be
challenging. Carefully worded descriptions will be
essential. The second area of concern dealt with the use of
the same animal by youth members in youth classes and open
classes. The general consensus of the committee was that
this is not desirable for a number of reasons primarily
related to the welfare of the animal. As a courtesy, John
McDougall will contact the youth committee to inform them of
our objection to this proposal prior to bringing this before
the ILR-SD Governing Board.
III. New Business
Debby Ullrich has requested to be grandfathered as
an ILR-SD fleece judge. John McDougall had asked Fran
Soukup to review Debbys qualifications. Fran provided a
comprehensive transcript of her interview with Debby. The
committee reviewed this information.Upon motion by Terry
Duespohl and second by Mark Smith, the committee unanimously
approved the Fleece Committee recommendation
granting conditional approval of Debby as an ILR-SD
fleece judge.The condition is that she successfully
completes one apprenticeship with a current approved ILR-SD
fleece judge.
The committee once again discussed the
grandfathering of judges, and reaffirmed that until
March 31, 2009, the committee will consider for approval any
judge that is currently or has been certified by another ILR
Board of Directors approved show association.The committee
will forward names that they approve to the ILR-SD Governing
Board for final approval.
Judy and Larry Steffel have volunteered to host a
fiber clinic at their ranch in Colorado. The committee
gratefully acknowledged their offer and will pass the
information to the Fleece Committee.
IV. Next Meeting and Adjournment
The next meeting date is to be arranged. Upon motion by
Mark Smith, and second by Ken Austin a unanimous vote adjourned
the meeting.
Terry Duespohl
Secretary, Judges Committee