ILR Show Division Youth Committee Minutes - August 29, 2010
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ILR Show Division

August 29, 2010

The Youth Committee meeting was called to order at 8:25 p.m. EST. Members present were Debbie Shellabarger, Michelle Kutzler, Kristy Brown and Ed Bender. 

1.                  Minutes from the March board meeting were approved.

2.                  Youth division novice and advanced llamas

a.       There was some discussion about a performance ruling at the Indiana State Fair llama show. This was not an ILR event. The complaint was that the youth were entering their experienced performance animals in novice classes.

b.       The youth committee decided that when youth show their llamas, both the youth and the llama will receive points so when a child matriculates into adult classes, they would naturally enter into advanced or master classes, not novice classes.

3.                  Sportsmanship award

a.       Kristy will re-send to committee members her idea about an ILR SD Youth Committee Sportsmanship award, which would be modeled after what is currently used in 4-H.

b.       Kristy described that the sportsmanship award would be given to the child who was a good winner/loser, respectful, polite, timeframe is the entire show (not just when in classes), selected by the kids.

c.       Kristy will develop a certificate downloadable from ILR website and vendors at the show could be invited to donate small items to accompany certificate.

d.       Nomination form in each youth’s show packet.

e.       Michelle was worried that it might become a popularity contest but could have them sign it so they don’t vote for themselves

4.                  Grants: questions that were discussed:

a.       How donors would be recognized? Page on ILR website

b.       Who do donors write the check to? ILR

c.       How will recipients be selected? Why I joined the ILR SD essay; 150-250 words, would be motivational for other youth members. Deadline is coming up.

d.       How many recipients will be selected each year? 10 each year (deadline November 1 each year)

5.                  Youth judging

a.       The Youth Committee is still waiting for the Judges’ committee to write the rulebook before we can write the youth judging manual.

b.       Youth will have an access code to log onto same website as judges and have access to the judges training video modules, etc.

c.       Champion youth judging

                                                               i.      Opened to all ages; accumulate certain amount of points from halter or performance.

                                                             ii.      Handbook (pocket size, easy for a kid to read) specifically for champion group that would be written for the advanced youth and would include more definition (e.g. the handbook for halter classes would break down by what percentage of the score goes into conformation, fleece, etc.).

                                                            iii.      Top ten youth from accumulated points would be used to determine champions rather than another class specifically for champions.

d.       Youth judging at 2011 Nationals

                                                               i.      There was some discussion regarding limiting the number of the kids competing in youth judging at Nationals. The committee agreed that the number should not be limited.

                                                             ii.      If it is a large group of children competing, efforts will be made to ensure that each child in the group has a good view of the animals’ movement and conformation. This could be accomplished by putting the children into groups at each of four points like how animals are judged at a quad show.

                                                            iii.      Because children will not be touching the animals during the judging class, the judges will not touch the animals during the youth judging class either.

Motion to adjourn; Kristy and Debbie seconded. Adjourned at 9:07 pm (Eastern Time)

      Respectfully submitted by Michelle Kutzler, ILR-SD Youth Committee Secretary