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ILR Show Division
February 10, 2014
Time: 5:10 pm Eastern Time
Action items are listed in bold.
In attendance: Sharon Carrier, Matt Fruits, Debbie Shellabarger, Michelle Kutzler, Harvey Pool, Elaine Brovont.
New committee member: Harvey Pool, ILR-BOD Liaison and chair of the Governing Board (Big Kahuna!)
Old Business: ILR-SD Youth Judging Manual.
Michelle added all of the new fiber pictures sent by Debbie to the Youth Judging Manual but then
received additional pictures of leg faults today so Michelle did not send it to the committee yet.
Michelle will
add the fault pictures and send it back to the committee for the final approval before sending it to the ILR office.
Sharon made a motion that: “Any suggested changes to the Youth Judging
Manual must be submitted to the youth committee no later than September 1st of each year.”
Matt seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
New Business:
Email from parent regarding concerns about increasing the age for seniors up to 19
years old
Michelle read the email to the group.
Debbie provided some additional background to the group about the concern.
After some discussion, the committee agreed upon the following verbiage to send
in a letter back to the parent:
“The ILR-SD Youth Committee Guidelines are approved on an annual basis and not changed during the
middle of the year. We will monitor the effects of the change in the senior age limit throughout the
coming year and review our decision in the fall. Thank you for sharing your concerns.”
Governing Board report: Gathering update
All American Llama award (new this year)
Pot of Gold classes (back this year)
Show committee is looking for volunteers to organize some youth activities.
Next ILR-SD Youth Committee Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 13, at 5 pm
Sharon motioned to adjourn.
Matt seconded the motion.
Motion to adjourn passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 6:24 pm EST.
Contact information for ILR-SD Youth Committee members
Debbie Shellabarger (chair): 1225 Nash Road, Xenia, OH 45385; Home phone: (937)
376-2980 (call home phone 1st); Cell phone: (937) 470-0080; E-mail:
Michelle Kutzler (secretary): P.O. Box 234, Philomath, OR 97370; Home phone:
(541) 929-7672; Cell phone: (541) 740-1434; Work phone: (541) 737-1401; E-mail:
Matt Fruits: 3283 E 350 N, Crawfordsville, IN 47933; Cell phone: (765)
376-0261; E-mail: mefruits@netzero.net
Elaine Brovont: 6737 E. County Road 200 North, Michigantown, Indiana 46057;
Home phone: 765-249-3105 (call home phone 1st); Cell phone: 765-491-6763; E-mail:
Sharon Carrier: 271 Beasley Road, Seagoville, TX 75159; Home phone:
972-348-9151; Cell phone: 214-677-7749; E-mail:
Harvey Pool (ILR Governing Board Liaison): 191 Deerwood Circle, Fort Valley, GA
31030; Home phone: (478) 825-3239; Cell phone: (478) 973-0124 (call cell phone 1st and leave
message); E-mail: hpool@rockcreekllamas.com
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Kutzler, ILR-SD Youth Committee Secretary