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<< Go back to member's page to view and modify ads selected


 llamaOOgle will only accept Llamas for sale or Stud Row animals registered with the ILR. There are no limitations to access for those wanting to view the  llamaOOgle ads.

  1. Select the animal you wish to advertise or skip and click on Products, Services, etc.
  2. If an animal, click on Show herd list by Animal Name or Show Herd List by Animal ID#.
  3. Select the CATEGORY you wnt the ad in.
  4. Select ANIMAL
  5. Choose between ENTER INFO or PENDING. Pending is for incomplete ads or ones you do not wish to post yet.
  6. If ads are in the PENDING folder, you can edit the ads or add them to your cart at any time by going back to the
    Main Members Page
    and clicking on the ADD TO CART or EDIT buttons.
  7. You will also have the edit option from the Cart Screen.
  8. When you are satisfied with your selections in your cart, click on the checkout to go to our online payment form.

PRICES: A free photo ad for one year after the Gathering for Gathering Champion. Other prices are as follows:

Animals For Sale - $60 per ad for 3 months
Herd Sire Row - $60 per ad for 3 months
Pot of Gold -
       Halter by owner (not for sale) $75 first ad / $50 second ad for same animal($25 credited to account in office)

       Performance by owner (not for sale) $75 first ad / $50 second ad for same animal($25 credited to account in office)

       Halter by breeder - For Sale $50
       Performance by breeder - For Sale $50
Products, Services, etc - $60 per ad for 3 months
Gathering Champion ads - FREE for one year following the Gathering

AD SETUP (Click on the checkbox of one category then click on Enter Info or File in Pending

You have no animals in the ILR database
You have no animals in the ILR database
You have no animals in the ILR database
You have no animals in the ILR database
You have no animals in the ILR database
You have no animals in the ILR database
You have no animals in the ILR database


YOUR AD HAS BEEN ADDED. You can modify ad information by going back to the main page and click on the "Free Ads/Events Listings" and find the appropriate link under  llamaOOgle Photo Ads